Author: Scoobert2000 - Replies: 2 - Views: 10239
Don't use skills when they are refreshed/re-active once you used it
If you use a skill (Medkit for example) you would think that if you used it again it would refresh the duration, however this does not happen.

For some reason it doesn't effect the skill duration so if you use a certain skill and re-use it before the effect is over you may end up in combat while the effect is not active!

You can see what buffs/debuffs are in effect right next to your weapon icon bar.

Skill that you have to wait until effect is done

Author: Jotaku - Replies: 4 - Views: 8073
Kandagawa Jet Girls Multiplayer is still active while SAO:FB and TG:CTE are all dead!
Today we got an announcement from Admin that AEG Pro League sessions for Tokyo Ghoul:re Call to Exist and Sword Art Online: Fatal Bullet have been shut down due to no population. However, we still see that Kandagawa Jet Girls multiplayer and its group are still active. I'm very impressed with your patience and enthusiasm for the Kandagawa Jet Girls, and also I'm enormously impressed that your patience and passion have surpassed those of people for the other two games. I could feel the weight of
Author: Scoobert2000 - Replies: 2 - Views: 4202
How is PvP and is it active or random?
I never done PvP on this game before, I did try the demo which allowed me to access Practice mode, although there wasn't much to do there. I got the full game weeks ago yet haven't picked it up for a bit.
Is it active or like Fatal Bullet were it's random?
[Image: https://media0.giphy.com/media/6XX4V0O8a0xdS/giphy.gif]